calendar icon June 24th, 2022

Here at PSHSA, we strive to create safe and healthy workplaces for everyone, no matter who you love or how you identify.


Here are a few ways to show your support and become an ally to the 2SLGBTQ+ community, both inside and outside of the workplace beyond Pride Month.


Formalize Your Organization’s Commitment to EDI

Investing in training, creating policies and Equity, Diversity and Inclusion (EDI) Employee Resource Groups (ERGs) or committees help to create a working environment that offers employees a space to be themselves and feel safe at work. (Details on these topics can be found in a previous PSHSA blog: Take PRIDE in Your Workplace: Tips on Fostering Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at Work.)


Attend a Pride Event

During the month of June, people and organizations across Ontario come together to host events including festivals, parades, rallies, marches, parties, shows and more as a way to celebrate diversity, create inclusive experiences and connect, support and show pride in the 2SLGBTQ+ community. Information on Pride events near you can be found here:



Volunteer or Donate to a Pro-2SLGBTQ+ Charity/Foundation

Pro-2SLGBTQ+ charities and foundations are always looking for a helping hand, whether through volunteerism or in the form of a donation! A great list of organizations can be found here.


Educate Yourself

Major strides toward mainstream social acceptance and formal legal equality have been made in recent decades and Canada is internationally regarded as a leader in this area. Recent years have seen steady progress on everything from healthcare to the right to adopt. In 2005, Canada became the fourth country worldwide to legalize same-sex marriage.


But there is still more work to be done. Understanding how we got here can often inform the path forward. Learn more about the history of Pride in Canada.


Support 2SLGBTQ+ Art and Culture

For many, experiencing arts and culture is a way to better connect with various topics on a more personal level. For resources on learning more about the 2SLGBTQ+ community in various forms of media, check out these lists of books, films and other examples.


Be an Ally

Being an ally is all about our actions and how we show up for the 2SLGBTQ+ community. We can do this by speaking up and being respectful, celebrating the community’s success and showing support during vulnerable times and conducting personal research to educate ourselves.


Did you hear someone using a slur towards the 2SLGBTQ+ community? What about misgendering them or using harmful stereotypes? Do your part and make it known that what is being said is wrong and harmful, and correct any accidental comments.


Language has the power to validate and acknowledge identities, but also to deny them. Gender identity can be deeply personal; it is not something to be questioned nor is it up for discussion. Respect the terminology a person uses to describe their identity or even that of their partner, children or other loved ones. Instead of assuming, ask for pronouns to prevent emotional distress and set an example of respect.


If you experience or witness any persistent issues or problems in your workplace, speak with your organization’s EDI group, human resources or union. Learn more about being an ally and how to improve 2SLGBTQ+ inclusion.




This month, connect with loved ones who identify as part of the 2SLGBTQ+ community and remember to continue to show your support outside of June!


Learning Resources

Important events related to the LGBTQ2S community in Canada

Pride at Work Canada

Ontario Human Rights Commission

Canadian Human Rights Act

History of Canadian Pride | Queer Events

Queeries | CBC weekly column

Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender Rights in Canada

Ontario Human Rights Commission

Canadian Human Rights Act

Pride Month 2024 | History

Pride Season | Government of Canada

Pride in Canada | Canadian Encyclopedia

Pride Month | City of Toronto


PSHSA Resources

BLOG: Take PRIDE in Your Workplace: Tips on Fostering Equity, Diversity and Inclusion at Work

R2 for Leaders: Building Resilient Organizations - Distance Learning Program 


Beyond Silence

Recommended Reading