
We all have a role to play in preventing workplace injuries, illnesses and fatalities. You can help do that by educating yourself on these health and safety topics.

Cannabis in the Workplace
PSHSA is working with Ontario employers, supervisors and workers to provide information on cannabis and applicable legislation.
Concussion in the Workplace
Learn about resources and strategies for the prevention and early intervention of concussion.
Learn how to protect yourself, what to do if you’re experiencing symptoms and additional resources for employers and workers.
Harassment & Sexual Violence
An employer has specific obligations under Ontario’s Occupational Health and Safety Act (OHSA) to deal with workplace harassment.
Infection Prevention & Control
Infection prevention and control (IPAC) is an integral component of a workplace’s occupational health and safety program and effective strategies need to be in place for the safety and protection of workers.
Mental Health
Mental health is an important part of a healthy and safe workplace. Workplace mental health encompasses conditions that affect the psychological and physical well-being of people.
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSD) & Ergonomics
Musculoskeletal Disorders (MSDs) are injuries and disorders of the musculoskeletal system. They may be caused or aggravated by various hazards or risk factors in the workplace such as high force, awkward/static postures, and repetitive motions.
Naloxone in Ontario Workplaces
Naloxone is a drug that can temporarily reverse an opioid overdose. When someone overdoses on opioids, their breathing either slows or stops completely. If used right away, Naloxone can help them breathe normally and regain consciousness.
Psychological Health & Safety
Now more than ever, workers in the broader Public Service in Ontario are at risk for work-related mental injuries due to the frequency and severity of direct and indirect exposure to psychological hazards and psychosocial factors in the workplace.
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition caused by witnessing or experiencing actual or threatened death, serious injury or violence.
The workplace is an important support system and resource to help workers build and strengthen resiliency. There are many ways leaders and the work community can foster qualities for resilience. PSHSA offers training programs to help you build on these practices, improve employees’ capacity for resilience and promote positive mental health in the workplace.
Slips, Trips & Falls
Learn more about the prevention of slips, trips and falls.
Small Business
PSHSA offers training and resources, to help small businesses create a safe environment for employees.
Workplace Violence in Education
PSHSA is working closely with Ontario’s Education sector to address workplace violence within the school community. Workplace violence is a real issue in our schools.
Workplace Violence in Healthcare
PSHSA developed several toolkits, recommendations and products aiming to strengthen workplace violence prevention activities.