How Can Your Workplace Assist in Mitigating PPE Shortages?
calendar icon March 24th, 2020
How Can Your Workplace Assist in Mitigating PPE Shortages?

The Province of Ontario wants to ensure that our frontline healthcare workers are appropriately protected as they care for those who are ill with COVID-19. To mitigate any shortages of personal protective equipment (PPE) for healthcare workers due to COVID-19, we are asking for all workplaces in Ontario to assist as they are able.


Many workplaces are working at lowered capacity due to the pandemic or may have stores of PPE that they do not need immediately. We ask that you please consider if your business or organization can provide any of the following medical products:


  • Ventilators
  • N95 or equivalent respirators
  • Surgical/procedure masks
  • Gloves
  • Swabs
  • Eye protection
  • Disposable gowns


If so, please visit Ontario Together and share what you have available. (If you have previously completed a survey sharing your available equipment there is no further action for you to take.)


Thank you for your support in protecting our frontline workers!


If you think you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms or have been in close contact with someone who has it, use Ontario’s self-assessment tool to help determine if you need to seek further care. For more information on how to protect yourself, what to do if you’re sick and how to recognize possible symptoms, visit