New Home Office Wellness Training Programs
calendar icon January 21st, 2021
author icon Seth Sobel
New Home Office Wellness Training Programs


With the emergency stay-at-home order in place, Ontarians are now restricted to leaving their home for essential activities only. This presents a number of challenges for workplaces navigating the health and safety needs of their employees working from home.


In one form or another, we have all had to adjust to our new working environment. In adjusting to these changes, we are likely exposed to new health and wellness challenges.


Public Services Health & Safety Association is offering new training courses to help support workers and organizations in navigating these changes. These offerings provide information about several emerging issues in the area of health and wellness and tips to better support workplace health and safety, particularly as employees continue to work remotely.


A Holistic Approach to Home Office Ergonomics

In this course, we discuss the most common ergonomic challenges experienced in the home setting as well as guide participants through exercises that can be used to combat injuries associated with desk jobs.


Coping with Stress in Times of Uncertainty

In this course, we discuss a sensory approach to chronic stress and the ways in which workers can identify stressors in their work and life. Also provided are steps to better self-regulate sensory-related challenges, and ways organizations can support workers in addressing these challenges.


Knowing when to Disconnect: Safe Technology Use in the Workplace

In this course, we explore some of the physical and psychological changes that occur in our body when we are connected to technology. We discuss common technology-induced workplace injuries, such as “tech neck”, migraines, anxiety and depression. The functional implications and how to harness the benefits of technology, while not putting our physical or mental health at risk, will also be discussed.

Physical Wellness Training


In this course, we discuss the physical impacts that working in a remote setting can have on the body. Participants are also guided through simple exercises that can be integrated into their working day to combat some of the most common challenges associated with working from home.

Preventing Eye Strain in a Virtual Workplace


In this course, we discuss how to identify the early signs of visual fatigue, why it is important, how this can impact workers and the workplace, and practical strategies to address eye strain before it develops into a more significant injury or illness. 



Want to learn more about our Home Office Wellness training programs?

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