Paramedic Services

It’s no secret: Emergency Medical Service workers face a number of risks every single day. Potential hazards such as motor vehicle incidents, exposure to infectious diseases, slips, trips and falls, workplace violence and aggression, and the potential negative effects of shift work heighten the risk of occupational illness/injury.


The impact of these injuries can be minimized when employers take a proactive approach to health and safety. Providing client-focused resources to address system priorities and high hazard activities is the key to eliminating workplace fatalities, injuries and illnesses in Paramedic Services.


Section 21 Committee


Guidance notes are developed by the Paramedic Services Section 21 Committee and are intended to assist Paramedic Services employers, supervisors, workers, joint health and safety committee members (or health and safety representatives) by explaining the minimum requirements of the OHSA and its regulations, and promoting “accepted practices” in Paramedic Services to protect the health and safety of Paramedic Services personnel.


Dawn Clinch

Health and Safety Consultant, Public Safety



Patricia Clausen

Senior Director, Health, Safety and Wellbeing



Our Partners


Ontario Association of Paramedic Chiefs


Paramedic Risk Assessment & Root Cause Analysis

The purpose of this project is to support the sector in preventing injury and illness by identifying the occupational health and safety hazards that paramedics are most exposed to and developing solutions to mitigate risk. The results of the Risk Assessment and Root Cause Analysis will better inform future prevention efforts and programming for the paramedic sector.

How Can We Help?


PSHSA offers consulting, training and resources to help address these issues and reduce injuries and illnesses in your workplace. Whether your organization has an established health and safety program, or you are just beginning your health and safety journey, our consultants have the knowledge, solutions and expertise to help you identify risks, control hazards and ensure that you have the necessary tools to meet legislative requirements.


In partnership with industry stakeholders, PSHSA has developed an EMS Sector Specific Health & Safety Training Program to help Paramedics identify the hazards involved in providing pre-hospital care to the sick and injured throughout Ontario. The goal of the program is to provide the EMS worker with the knowledge and understanding of the hazards they face throughout their course of duties. These hazards are not focused to inside the workplace, but areas “outside the box” (outside the station) as well. Topics include: Traffic and Vehicle Safety, Ergonomic (MSD) hazards, Slips, Trips & Falls, Bio-hazards, Behavioural Patients, hazards related to Confined Spaces, Trenching, Electrical, and specialized patient access issues (land/water/heights). These programs assist health and safety committee members to affect positive change and identify areas for improvement in their workplaces.


PSHSA also offers a unique one-day Paramedic Hazard Awareness Program. This session is designed for all Paramedics based on the EMS Sector Specific Program to help participants understand the hazards they face in their daily activities as paramedics.


For a complete list of our training services and information products, please see our Training and Resource Catalog.



PTSD is a mental health condition caused by witnessing or experiencing actual or threatened death, serious injury or violence. Ontario has taken steps to address the harmful impacts of exposure to traumatic events on first responders, including the requirement for employers to develop PTSD Prevention Plans.


tired paramedic cropped

First Responders First Image


First responders are at least twice as likely to suffer from PTSD. There’s no need to suffer in silence. The help you need is here. Resources and services for the First Responder community

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