Our Very Own eLearning Hero
calendar icon August 8th, 2018
author icon Shannon Hunt
Our Very Own eLearning Hero

When I joined PSHSA a year ago, I knew the Product Development team that created PSHSA’s innovative eLearning programs was experienced, highly skilled and capable. However, I didn’t realize that we had a full fledged hero in the group. This isn’t the type of hero that wears a cape and can fly, but one who develops cutting edge eLearning programs and interactions and can solve a multitude of business problems for our clients.


Today’s blog post highlights one of our eLearning developers, Linda Lorenzetti, who has been recognized as part of the Articulate eLearning Heroes Community as an Articulate Hero. Linda has been creating innovative eLearning for the past nine years and was the highest contributor to the Articulate eLearning Heroes Weekly Challenges in 2016 and in 2017, with ten of her challenge entries being featured on Articualte’s eLearning examples webpage. She has also been cited in recent articles as an expert in identifying eLearning trends and in 2011 she received an Honourable Mention for her entry, Skid Skills in the Articulate Guru Awards.


Being an Articulate Hero requires active participation in a community, helping others and sharing openly. This willingness to share has carried into Linda’s senior eLearning developer role at PSHSA, where not only does she she actively create learning solutions that solve problems and meet the needs of our clients, but she also supports our full team helping each of us to continuously stretch our skill sets and deliver first-in-class eLearning.


We consider ourselves fortunate to have a hero on our team! Take a look at our eLearning information page to learn more about how we help you with an eLearning solution that best meets your needs. Our flexible à la carte approach allows you to select the type and amount of assistance you need; from content development, instructional design, eLearning development through to hosting management. We also provide flexible options for hosting our courses on your Learning Management System (LMS). As a side note, if you are wondering which eLearning trend Linda identified in the article, it was microlearning.


Take a look: https://www.pshsa.ca/elearning/


#1: eLearning Trends of 2018

Every year trots out new lists of trends from the learning industry and one of our favourites for 2018 is from eLearningArt. They talked to 57 experts, summarized the feedback, and came up with these 11 trends: watch the video or read more about each trend.


If you want more information about any of our eLearning products, please contact Shannon Hunt at shunt@pshsa.ca.